Talia has performed in her own work as well as in the work of Katie Ailes, Mariadela Belle Alvarez, Nicole Bindler, Rachel Boggia, Sean Dorsey, Kira Gavin, Alexis Iammarino, Travis Jones, Shreshth Khilani, Lily Kind, Sarah Marks Mininsohn, Erica Rice, Tiffany Rhynard, and Mira Treatman. Current collaborators // co-instigators // doulaturgs include Irina Varina, Sam Day Harmet, Erica Rice, and documentary film maker and cinematographer Christina Helm. Talia is passionate about modern dance, video dance, site-specific dance, and dances that happen in non-traditional spaces. Recent mentors and co/dreamers include: Joel Mejia Smith, taisha paggett, Luis Lara Malvacias, Dr. Imani Kai Johnson, Dr. Anthea Kraut, Dr. Anusha Kedhar and Jose Reynoso, and other faculty members at UC-Riverside.

“Blood Sea” created by Nicole Bindler. Photos by Kate Raines.

“Blood Sea” created by Nicole Bindler. Photos by Kate Raines.
“Table on Table on Table” created by Shreshth Khilani and Sarah Marks Mininsohn. Photos Courtesy of Sarah Marks Mininsohn.
“Table on Table on Table” created by Shreshth Khilani and Sarah Marks Mininsohn. Photos Courtesy of Sarah Marks Mininsohn.
“Table on Table on Table” created by Shreshth Khilani and Sarah Marks Mininsohn. Photos Courtesy of Sarah Marks Mininsohn.
“Table on Table on Table” created by Shreshth Khilani and Sarah Marks Mininsohn. Photos Courtesy of Sarah Marks Mininsohn.
“Table on Table on Table” created by Shreshth Khilani and Sarah Marks Mininsohn. Photos Courtesy of Sarah Marks Mininsohn.
“Table on Table on Table” created by Shreshth Khilani and Sarah Marks Mininsohn. Photos Courtesy of Sarah Marks Mininsohn.
“Table on Table on Table” created by Shreshth Khilani and Sarah Marks Mininsohn. Photos Courtesy of Sarah Marks Mininsohn.
“Table on Table on Table” created by Shreshth Khilani and Sarah Marks Mininsohn. Photos Courtesy of Sarah Marks Mininsohn.
“Table on Table on Table” created by Shreshth Khilani and Sarah Marks Mininsohn. Photos Courtesy of Sarah Marks Mininsohn.
“Table on Table on Table” created by Shreshth Khilani and Sarah Marks Mininsohn. Photos Courtesy of Sarah Marks Mininsohn.

“Passport” created by Belle Alvarez. Photos courtesy of Birds on a Wire Dance Theater.

“Passport” created by Belle Alvarez. Photos courtesy of Birds on a Wire Dance Theater.

“Passport” created by Belle Alvarez. Photos courtesy of Birds on a Wire Dance Theater.

“Passport” created by Belle Alvarez. Photos courtesy of Birds on a Wire Dance Theater.

“Passport” created by Belle Alvarez. Photos courtesy of Birds on a Wire Dance Theater.

“Passport” created by Belle Alvarez. Photos courtesy of Birds on a Wire Dance Theater.

"Static Sweet" created by Lily Kind for the Headlong Performance Institute Final Show, 2015.

"a well a everybody's heard about the bird" created by Talia Mason, Mira Treatman and Irina Varina, Headlong Performance Institute Final Show 2015.

"Where Do My Hands Go? And Other Sweet Nothings" created by Erica Rice, Headlong Performance Institute Final Show, 2015.

"Where Do My Hands Go? And Other Sweet Nothings" created by Erica Rice, Headlong Performance Institute Final Show, 2015.

"Where Do My Hands Go? And Other Sweet Nothings" created by Erica Rice, Headlong Performance Institute Final Show, 2015.

"Where Do My Hands Go? And Other Sweet Nothings" created by Erica Rice, Headlong Performance Institute Final Show, 2015.

"Where Do My Hands Go? And Other Sweet Nothings" created by Erica Rice, Headlong Performance Institute Final Show, 2015.

"Where Do My Hands Go? And Other Sweet Nothings" created by Erica Rice, Headlong Performance Institute Final Show, 2015.

"Ballerina Uprising," created by Mira Treatman, Headlong Performance Institute Final Show 2015.

"Where Do My Hands Go? And Other Sweet Nothings" created by Erica Rice, Headlong Performance Institute Final Show, 2015.

"Where Do My Hands Go? And Other Sweet Nothings" created by Erica Rice, Headlong Performance Institute Final Show, 2015.

"Where Do My Hands Go? And Other Sweet Nothings" created by Erica Rice, Headlong Performance Institute Final Show, 2015.

"Where Do My Hands Go? And Other Sweet Nothings" created by Erica Rice, Headlong Performance Institute Final Show, 2015.

"You Are Watching Me (Ruin It)" created by Julia Brandeberger, Headlong Performance Institute Final Show, 2015.

"a well a everybody's heard about the bird" solo. Headlong Studios, 2015.

"a well a everybody's heard about the bird" solo. Headlong Studios, 2015.

"a well a everybody's heard about the bird" solo. Headlong Studios, 2015.

Improvisational Forms, Headlong Performance Institute, 2015.

Improvisational Forms, Headlong Performance Institute, 2015.

Clown studio showing, Headlong Performance Institute, 2015.

Clown studio showing, Headlong Performance Institute, 2015.

Clown studio showing, Headlong Performance Institute, 2015.

Clown studio showing, Headlong Performance Institute, 2015.

"The Secret History of Love" choreographed by Sean Dorsey, Bates College, 2014.

"The Secret History of Love" choreographed by Sean Dorsey, Bates College, 2014.

"Homing" choreographed by Katie Ailes, Bates College 2014. Photo courtesy of Ebbe Sweet.

"We Build Excitement" choreographed by Rachel Boggia and dancers, Bates College, 2014. Photos courtesy of Phyllis Graber Jensen/Bates College.

"We Build Excitement" choreographed by Rachel Boggia and dancers, Bates College, 2014. Photos courtesy of Phyllis Graber Jensen/Bates College.

"We Build Excitement" choreographed by Rachel Boggia and dancers, Bates College, 2014. Photos courtesy of Phyllis Graber Jensen/Bates College.

"We Build Excitement" choreographed by Rachel Boggia and dancers, Bates College, 2014. Photos courtesy of Phyllis Graber Jensen/Bates College.

"Subverting Normal #2" choreographed by Tiffany Rhynard and students, Bates College, 2012.

"Subverting Normal #2" choreographed by Tiffany Rhynard and students, Bates College, 2012.

"Subverting Normal #2" choreographed by Tiffany Rhynard and students, Bates College, 2012.

"Subverting Normal #2" choreographed by Tiffany Rhynard and students, Bates College, 2012.

"Subverting Normal #2" choreographed by Tiffany Rhynard and students, Bates College, 2012.

"Subverting Normal #2" choreographed by Tiffany Rhynard and students, Bates College, 2012.

"Atlas Endures" choreographed by Travis Jones, Bates College, 2012

Institute of Contemporary Art site-specific exploration, Boston, 2014.

Fontainebleau site-specific explorations, France, 2013.

Centre Pompidou site-specific exploration, Paris, France, 2013.

Fontainebleau site-specific explorations, France, 2013.

Bates Night In Town Site-Specific Performance of "Driving to the Midwest," Lewiston, ME, 2014.

Bates Night In Town Site-Specific Performance of "Driving to the Midwest," Lewiston, ME, 2014.
Whitney Museum of Art site-specific dancing, NYC, 2016.
Whitney Museum of Art site-specific dancing, NYC, 2016.
Whitney Museum of Art site-specific dancing, NYC, 2016.

Whitney Museum of Art site-specific dancing, NYC, 2016.

Performing at Bates College's Commencement Baccalaureate performance.